- May 26, 2016
After 350 years Stafsjö Valves are stronger than ever
In recent years, Stafsjö has invested over SEK 50 million in order to expand. Within four years the turnover should be SEK 200 million annually. This goal will be attained with new products within new market sectors as well as new countries, whilst simultaneously strengthening the position on existing markets.

– Innovation and local availability worldwide are our strengths, says Thomas Carlson, the President of Stafsjö.
–Together with our customers we work to understand the demands placed not only on today’s processes, but also those of tomorrow. By ensuring that our valves are in stock around the globe we operate as a fast and flexible supplier of high performance knife gate valves for complex processes in varying dimensions, he adds.
Stafsjö may be something of a ’dark horse’, but it is a well known name amongst major players within paper and pulp, mining, power generation and water treatment. Over 1 million of our valves have been installed around the world and 86% of the production is exported. Growth markets are the USA, Australia and South East Asia, the latter primarily driven by Indonesia. An initiative made in the mining industry in Mexico has also been sucessfull.
– We now have a product portfolio covering a considerably broader range. Our long experience of tight shut-off valves for full flow applications enables us to allow our development team to push this technology still further, says Carlson.
Established already in 1666, Stafsjö is today one of the oldest operating company in Sweden. Production commenced with the manufacture of cannons for the Swedish armed forces and remained the core business activity for two centuries. In 1881, the production of valves started and in 1928 the first knife gate valve was launched for the paper and pulp industry in the region.
Since 2005 Stafsjö has been owned by Ebro Armaturen Gebr. Bröer GmbH headquartered in Hagen, Germany, and a specialist in production and development of butterfly valves. With Stafsjö’s knife gate valves, the group can offer a complete range of valves for the process industry. Bröer Group has around 1000 employees and is represented at 26 locations across the globe. A 70-strong workforce is employed at Stafsjö. In the financial year 2015, the Bröer Group generated revenues of EUR 160 million.
If you wish to conduct your own interview with Stafsjö’s President, Thomas Carlson, who can tell you more about our product development, new products and production, take advantage of contacting him directly and arrange an appointment.
The 350th anniversary celebrations commence with speeches and a cannon salute at 17.00 Thursday, May 26. Thomas Carlson can be reached on Tel +46 (0)11-36 75 55 or by e-mail thomas.carlson@stafsjo.se